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Green jade shivling margaj shivling 5 inches

Green jade shivling margaj shivling 5 inches

Product Code : Shivling

$275.00 0%off

Natural green jade shivling

Stone green jade

Composition natural

Colour dark green

Size 5 inches length 3.5 inch height 

Weight 1900 gm 

Green Jade is believed to boost the functions of the heart, kidneys, as well as the nervous and immune systems. This stone can also protect the thyroid, thymus, spleen, larynx, liver, and kidneys. Green Jade is recognized as a symbol of virtue and love. It eases the mind and invites harmony and peace. Green jade Lingam is considered to be the best and most auspicious for your home and family. It creates positive environment and removes negative energy. Used for puja and meditation of Lord shiva. It provides mental peace and balance in life Now a days Jade is used as a cleansing stone helping the bodies filtration and elimination organs. It is the stone for the kidneys. The soothing green colour of jade makes it a wonderful healing stone. It helps the body in self-healing while working through underlying, non-physical reasons for a precipitation for disease. It is particularly helpful for kidney, heart and stomach complaints. Jade, considered a very lucky stone, facilitates peace and harmony between the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of ones life. When all of these aspects operate in harmony and balance, goals become easier to reach. Chinese people think jade prayer beads can bless one away from tragedy. Their purpose may vary, but commonly the beads are used to enhance 'goodness' and diminish toxins. Driving away evil and filling you and all beings with peace and bliss Jade stone can also be beneficial for boosting clarity and focus. “Jade can improve your mental faculties so that you can achieve mental clarity Green Jade stone can also be beneficial for boosting clarity and focus. “Jade can improve your mental faculties so that you can achieve mental clarity Jade stone is sometimes referred to as the lucky stone or the happiness stone. Green jade stone have long been associated with attracting good luck also believed that jade stone has healing properties green is associated with bringing tranquility and calm to difficult situation.jade stone can provide healing in relationship and with the self it may incourage honesty , maturity , energy, self acceptance and self love