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Crystal quartz energy generator clear crystal quartz energy generator

Crystal quartz energy generator clear crystal quartz energy generator

Product Code : Crystal sphatik

$29.00 0%off

Original crystal quartz energy generator

Stone crystal clear quartz 

This is a energy generator it has crystal Pyramid in center and 4 pencils four side which generates positive energy and keep positive environment surrounding 

Sphatik Crystal quartz benefits and how to use - clear crystal quartz is the most versatile healing crystal and it is a potent gemstone.this is called master healer stone Quartz is made of silicon and oxygen which are two of the most abundant elements on the planet, thus mean it can help you align with your goal Clear crystal quartz is a amplify energy by absorbing, storing , releasing and regulating , so it is a gtreat source of positive energy.  It is a great for bringing clarity when you are confused or need guidance. This crystal also improve the perception of the outside world improving your thinking and awareness. It align your potential with its crystal power and hence open your mind and brain to new evolutionary ideas and new scope and new monopoly. This is the stone you require if you want to cross your human limitations created by society and explore the highest level of existence by human, that's why the scientists, poet ,, philosopher , novelist like and use it . It is also believed that it increases the quality of metabolism, it is very intense soul cleaner by having this stone with you all negative thoughts and senseless